“The FLAG Award made it possible for children at my Title 1 school to bring home books signed with a personal message from the guest artists. Each child felt seen and valued. ”
The schools of FLAG Award winning teachers receive a grant ranging from $1,000-$10,000 to be used for arts-based initiatives designed by each winner. Grants have been utilized for everything from creating makerspaces to designing and building a 3D model of a soap box track for students to use in a presentation to local politicians. Hare are more examples of the grant funds in action!
“We used the grant to buy all the materials for each student to create and present their business ideas from start to finish visually. Then a portion of the money was to create our first METRO S.T.E.A.M Tank so kids can proudly show off their business concepts while pitching their ideas to a group of select judges and fellow peers. The first place winners received IPads to help them on their promising entrepreneurship journey. “
-Cherice White, 2022 Grand Prize Winner
Students of 2021 Staten Island Grand Prize Winner, Patricia Lockhart, used the FLAG grant to design a futuristic NYC “Sustainable” Soap Box Track with “Green” Technology Training Center. They presented their plan, complete with a 3-D model, to local politicians and community leaders, hoping to make their dream become a reality.
“FLAG inspired me and afforded us the monetary funds to create the initial makerspace studio last year. I was able to transform the space into a children’s Utopia. The entire school visits each week. Through donations and motivation all inspired by FLAG I now have everything from coding to green screens and special effects, 3D printing and so much more offered here. I have also began a partnership with the Museum of the Moving Image. My dream is to inspire schools all over NYC and support many schools in setting up similar spaces where children can tinker and work collectively. The space also serves our Special Needs population with a large series of sensory stations. Paras are able to bring their students down when they need redirection, calm, a place to be themselves and explore. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity and drive to think outside of the box and create a space that has become the favorite of the entire community!”
-Ilana “Ilan” Weissman, 2021 Finalist
“I used the $2,000 school grant money to support my Broadway Books First Class program. The money was used to purchase over 150 hardcover, high-quality children's books for students in grades K-3. The subject matter of the books celebrated diversity, compassion, empathy, and being true to yourself. They led to wonderful discussions in class and with our guest artists (Tony Award Winners Gregory Jbara, Ali Stroker and Michael Rupert, and Tony Award nominee Jeremy Jordan). It made such a difference for me to be able to include more students in the program this year. It was also nice not to have to devote time and energy into fundraising. The FLAG Award made it possible for children at my Title 1 school to bring home books signed with a personal message from the guest artists. Each child felt seen and valued. “
-Gary Wellbrock, 2022 Finalist